Friday, December 9, 2011

Leaving Provo and arriving Cyprus!

 We had a great tutor at the MTC.  Craig Meister really inspired us to at least try to understand Greek and speak it enough to get around in Cyprus.
 We went with Forrest, Bryan, Lawrence and wives to a great little restaurant in Provo called El Salvadors--delicioso and cheep!

 My brother Bryan gave us some tickets to attend the BYU basketball game the day we left the MTC.  Here are Brian and Michelle in the Delta Center enjoying a Cougar victory with us.
 Temple Square is the perfect place to visit before going off on a mission for the Lord.
My brother Dennis has twin grandsons, Carter and Parker, who were at Uncle Lawrence's house on Sunday night for a family party with their parents.  Hope I am not making you too jealous, Denny!

 Amelia and her husband along with lots of neices and nephews and their adorable babies were also at Lawrence for the delicious feast!

Proud Daddy.

It was sad to leave these two newlyweds and travel the next morning, Monday Dec. 5 to Chicago, London and then on to Larnaca Cyprus. We arrived there on Tuesday the 6th, very tired and with no troubles--14 hours in the air, 18 with layovers.

 In Larnaca airport with too much stuff!
 Our great welcoming committee, Elder and Sister Maxwell, the Niebehrs and Smiths--all couples serving in different branches in Cyprus. They were all so, so good to us.
We had fun talking to our first Cypriots (pronouced sip pre etts) our landlady and her son!  They taught us a lot of Greek we didn't learn in the MTC! Nice people, but very strong Orthodox.

Our wonderful district: Elders Norgarrd (district leader), Rahal, DeMeyers and Held (ZL) with Virgil in our apartment.  Elder Psota (ZL) was on an exchange. We will love working with them and helping to bring those the Lord has prepared to "Come unto Christ!"


  1. Wow- I love the pictures Mom. It brings so much life to your writings. You will love the blog when you go back through it. I want pictures of the city side!

  2. I can't believe you're in CYPRUS! this is great that you know how to blog!! :)

  3. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering if you were in Cyprus yet! How exciting!

  4. We are so excited for your guys to be serving in a far off place, yet as close at the internet. The missionaries who are already there look like they will take good care of you until you get acclimated to your new surroundings. One of the great things about the Church is that no matter where you are you in the world you can still feel the spirit and be among instant friends. We are envious of your place of service and hope you get to get steeped in the history of the original seat of Christianity and the ancient Apostles. Our love to you and our prayers in your behalf.

  5. We are so proud of you! We know you will be successfully and bring your special spirit to Cyprus!

  6. We will be praying for your success.

  7. What a grand adventure indeed! You both look like the 'youngins' of yur group of cy pre ette Sr Missionaries! Love & prayers your way xoxoxo
