Sunday, December 23, 2012

Some Brits Came to Cyprus

The Price family from Elder Matthews ward back in England came to Cyprus for the holidays.  It was really nice to have them come to dinner. They brought Christmas packages for Elder Matthews from his family.

 The Price family, minus two of their children that didn't come, pictured here with us and Elder Matthews.  We hope to see them on Boxing Day (December 26th) for the branch Christmas Party.

 This man is a genius and fixed my broken camera so I can continue to take pictures and put them on this blog as my picture journal of our mission.

I finally got a closer picture of the beautiful flamingos in the Salt Lake near our flat.  They really were loudly squawking, similar to the sound geese make.

This little cutie was looking over the fence at us as we walked near the church building.  I guess he decided he wanted to stand up and show off for us.

And so he did!
This will be a short post this time, but I will do more on Christmas.  Thanks for viewing some of the wonderful  things on our mission in Cyprus.

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